
Article I – Title
Section I – The society shall be known as the Scioto County Agricultural Society.

Article II – Object
Section I – The object of this society shall be to promote and encourage agriculture, education, industry, science art, commerce and other interests of Scioto County which the board of directors deems proper and in the best interests of the community.

Article III – Membership
Section I – Any adult resident of Scioto County may become a member of this society by paying annually the membership fee fixed by the board of directors.
Section II – No person shall pay for or secure more than one membership, and that membership shall be for himself or herself. No memberships shall be issued to corporations, organizations, partnerships or firms.
Section III – The society shall consist of not less than 30 members.

Article IV – Board Of Directors
Section I – The management shall consist of a board of directors not to exceed 24 in number, who shall be elected for a term of three years and the terms shall be so arranged that the terms of one-third of the directors shall expire annually.
Section II – Any vacancy caused by death, resignation, removal from office, or other causes, may be filled by the board until the next annual election when a director shall be elected to fill the unexpired term, if a qualified candidate is available and duly nominated for the unexpired term. In event a qualified candidate is not available at the time of the annual election the vacancy may be filled by appointment anytime during the vacancy at a stated meeting of the board of directors. Upon retirement from the board, directors who have served 21 years or more may receive a life-time honorary membership in recognition of their service to the fair.
Section III – To recognize individuals who contribute to the success of the fair the board of directors may establish associate directors. The appointment to be an honorarium, without voting rights.

Article V – Election
Section I – The annual election of the board of directors shall be held in the administration building on the fairgrounds as determined by the Fair Board, on the last Thursday of October, each year. The election shall be between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. the voting place to be open at least four hours, the board of directors having the right to fix the election hours, but normally would use the hours from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Section II – The said election shall be by ballot. Ballots must be marked with an “X” opposite the names of each candidate voted for; otherwise, the name will not be counted.
Section III – Only persons holding membership certificates for the year the election occurs, at least 15 days before the date of election, may vote.
Section IV – The secretary shall furnish the election committee with a certified copy of the membership as of 15 days before the election date.
Section V – Members of the society must declare their candidacy for the office of director of the society by filing with the secretary of the society, a petition signed by ten or more members of the society, in good standing, at least seven days before the annual election of directors is held. Only regularly nominated candidates who have met the filing requirements will be eligible for election as a director. Write-in names shall be void. Petitions must be obtained from the secretary.
Section VI – The term of office of the retiring directors shall expire and that of the electors-elect shall begin on January 1 of each year, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
Section VII – To qualify for the nomination and election as a director each candidate must have been a member of the society for at least two years. The candidate must have been a resident of Scioto County, Ohio, for at least two years. The candidate must have exhibited some interest in the Scioto County Fair, agriculture, science, art, education, industry or commerce of Scioto County. In selecting candidates for director, members of the society must consider the candidate’s qualifications and determine “will the nomination and election of the candidate be for the best interests of the society, the county fair and the community.”

Article VI – Annual Meeting Of Membership
Section I – The Annual Meeting of the Membership of the Scioto County Agricultural Society shall be held the last Thursday of October, each year at 7:30 p.m. The annual meeting place may be at the administration building on the Fair Grounds or in the office of the Scioto County Commissioners in the Court House at Portsmouth, Ohio, the place to be selected by the Board of Directors at a previous meeting of the board.
Section II – At this meeting, the officers and directors of the society shall make reports to the membership of the society concerning the past fair and make recommendations for the betterment of future fairs. The members shall be given opportunity to make suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the society and its fair. Directors shall be elected for the terms expiring December 31, of the current year.
Section II – The said election shall be by ballot.  Ballots must be marked with an “X” opposite the name of each candidate voted for; otherwise, the name will not be counted.
Section III – Only persons holding membership certificates for the year the election occurs, at least 15 days before the date of election, may vote.
Section IV – The secretary shall furnish the election committee with a certified copy of the membership as of 15 days before the election date.
Section V – Members of the society must declare their candidacy for the office of director of the society by filing with the secretary of the society, a petition signed by ten or more members of the society, in good standing, at least seven days before the annual election of directors is held. Only regularly nominated candidates who have met the filing requirements will be eligible for elections a director. Write-in names shall be void.  Petitions must be obtained from the secretary.
Section VI – The term of office of the retiring directors shall expire and that of the electors-elect shall begin on January 1 of each year, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
Section VII – To qualify for the nomination and election as a director each candidate must have been a member of the society for at least two years. The candidate must have been a resident of Scioto County, Ohio, for at least two years. The candidate must have exhibited some interest in the Scioto County Fair, agriculture, science, art, education, industry or commerce of Scioto County.  In selecting candidates for director, members of the society must consider the candidate’s qualifications and determine “will the nomination and election of the candidate be for the best interests of the society, the county fair and the community.”

ArticleVII – Organization and Meetings
Section I – The board of directors after the annual meeting of the Scioto County Agricultural Society shall fix the date, time and place for the organization of the board. The meeting may be held in the administration building on the Fair Grounds or in the office of the Scioto County Commissioners in the Court House at Portsmouth. The board shall elect a president, first and second vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer. The president, vice-presidents and treasurer terms of office shall be for one year and the term of the secretary shall be for not more than three years, as the board may determine. Each officer shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be compatible and held by one and the same person.
Section II – The president and vice presidents shall be directors. The secretary and treasurer may or may not be directors.
Section III – The board of directors at the annual meeting each year shall elect an executive committee, consisting of the officers of the board and five directors who are not officers. The chairman of the executive committee shall be elected from the five directors who are not officers of the board. The secretary of the board shall serve as secretary of the executive committee.
Section IV – Except in cases deemed emergencies by the executive committee, its acts shall be subject to approval of the board of directors. Emergency actions taken by the committee must be reported to the board at its next meeting.  It is the intent of the board that its executive committee consider problems confronting the board and make recommendations to the board.
Section V – In cases deemed emergencies by the executive or the grounds committees, an expenditure of not more than $500 may be authorized by either committee. Such emergency expenditures shall be reported to the board at its next meeting.
Section VI – Before the election of officers the newly elected directors shall qualify by taking the following oath before a competent authority. “I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Ohio, laws of Ohio and rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio pertaining to agricultural societies and to the best of my ability perform the duties of director of the Scioto County Agricultural Society, so help me God”.
Section VII – The position of president of the society being one of great honor, the office after the expiration of the tenure of the 1956 incumbent, shall not beheld by the same person for more than two consecutive years.
Section VIII – Directors of the Scioto County Fair Board may be compensated for work or service performed for the Fair Board; for furnishing materials and supplies ordered by the Fair Board and for rental of equipment when authorized by the board, or its committees in charge of the project.

Article VIII – Amendments
Section I – Amendments to the constitution or by-laws may be proposed by: (a) A majority of the board of directors at a scheduled meeting voting in favor of placing an amendment on the ballot; or (b) the filing of a petition with the secretary of the society at least 14 days prior to the annual meeting of the membership of the society. Said petition must set forth the proposed amendment and must be signed by not less than 25 members of the society.
Section II – If an amendment is proposed, it shall be submitted to the membership of the society at the annual meeting of the membership of the society.
Section III – When more than one amendment shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to enable the members to vote on each amendment separately.
Section IV – If the majority of the membership voting on the proposed amendment shall adopt such amendment, it shall become a part of the constitution or by-laws.

Article IX – Compensation
Section I – The compensation of the board members shall be fixed by the board in accordance with the rules of the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Section II – Directors may be paid $8 per meeting, not to exceed 12 meetings each year. Directors may waive attendance fees or direct fees to be contributed to a fund to be used as the Board desires.
Section III – The board of directors shall fix compensation for the secretary and treasurer on an annual basis.  If the board desires, it may pay compensation to the president and to the fair manager.

Article X – Bonds
Section I – The secretary shall post a surety bond in the offices of secretary and treasurer are held by the same person, one bond of $5,000 shall be sufficient.
Section III – The board may require surety bonds of any or all employees who handle cash belonging to the society.
Section IV – The board shall carry holdup insurance of not more than the amount deemed advisable, effective three days before, during and three days after the fair.
Section V – Premiums for bonds of its officers and employees and insurance shall be paid by the society.

Article XI – Fair Dates
Section I – The board of directors shall fix the dates for the annual exposition of the society, subject to approval of the Ohio director of agriculture, on or before December 1 of each year.

Notice of Election of Fair Directors

Scioto County Agricultural Society will hold its annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 25, 2018 in the Administration Building on the Lucasville Fairgrounds. Society members will elect eight (8) directors of the Scioto County Fair Board for the terms commencing January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2021. Voting will be in the Administration Building between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Candidates for director must have been members of the society for at least two (2) years preceding the election date. Candidate petitions must be signed by at least ten (10) members of the society. Petitions may be obtained from the secretary. Petitions of candidacy must be filed by October 12, 2018.


Article I – Quorum
Section I – Nine members of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the society.

Article II – Meetings
Section I – The regular meetings of the board of Directors shall be the last Thursday of each month, except for November when the meeting will be the last Thursday that is not Thanksgiving. There will be no regular meeting in December. Meetings will be held 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building on the Fairgrounds. The President, Vice-Presidents, or the Secretary may call meetings. The Board shall have the right to dispense with a monthly meeting if it deems pending business is not sufficient to require a meeting.
Section II – Special meetings may be called when necessary, by the president, the secretary or upon written request to the secretary by not less than three members of the board.
Section III – Written notice of special meetings of the board of directors shall be delivered personally to each director or sent to each director by mail, telephone, cablegram or radiogram at least two days before the meeting. Such notice, however, may be waived by any director, either before or after the meeting. The notice need not specify the purpose of the meeting.

Article III – A list of Articles for which premiums are offered shall be published in a premium list in accordance with such rules as the board may prescribe.

Article IV – All Articles offered for premiums shall be in accordance with such rules as the board may prescribe.

Article V – Such superintendents and committees of the various departments as the board deem necessary shall be appointed by the president and confirmed by the board.

Article V – There shall be an annual exhibit of the society held each year on the grounds provided by the society in Scioto County, Ohio.

Article VII – The Board of Directors of the Scioto County Agricultural Society will to the best of their ability safeguard persons, livestock and Articles on the grounds, but will not be responsible for injury, damage, disease, thefts or loss of any kind.

Article VIII – No action, decision or ruling of any director shall be considered binding on the Board or Society, excepting it be in accordance with all the rules governing the Board or Society.

Article X – The president shall appoint department directors and committee members on or before January 1 of each year, subject to confirmation of the majority of the board members present at meeting when appointments are submitted.

Article XI – A director absent three successive regular meetings of the board, without being excused for cause by the board, may be removed by majority vote of the board. The majority of the board shall determine if the cause of absence is justifiable.

Article XII – At its annual meeting the board shall elect a delegate and an alternate to represent the board at the annual meeting of the State Department of Agriculture.

Article XIII – The board may delegate its members and such other persons as it deems advisable to attend the Ohio Fair Managers conventions and such other meetings of interest to the Fair Board and pay their expenses incurred by attendance.

Article XIV – The membership fee of the society shall be $40.00 annually and the membership shall be from January 1 to December 31 of the stated year.

Article XV – Order of Business
Section I – 1. Roll call.  2. Reading and approval or adoption of minutes.  3. Bills and accounts.  4. Report of committees.  5. Report of officers.  6. Unfinished business.  7. New business.  8. Appointments 9. Adjournment.
Section II – The order of business may be temporarily suspended at any meeting upon a majority vote of a quorum present.

Article XVI – Duties Of Officers
Section I – It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board, to appoint committees, and to perform such other duties as predetermined by the Board.
Section II – It shall be the duty of the Vice Presidents to assume all the duties of the President in the event of his absence or vacancy or office and to perform such other duties as are determined by the Board.
Section III – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:  1. Keep a list of all members of the Society; 2. Keep accurately a record of all proceedings of the Society and the Board; 3. Notify all members of the Board of the time anyplace of all special meetings; 4. Give the members of the Society notice of the time and place of the annual election of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting of the membership; 5. Keep strict account of all moneys that may come into his hands and pay the same over to the Treasurer and take his receipts therefore. 6. Keep a correct itemized account of all receipts and expenditures of money; 7. Make out the annual report to the Ohio Department of Agriculture; 8. Perform such other duties as are determined byThe Board.
Section IV – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:  1. Receive all moneys and give a receipt for the same as to amounts and sources from which it came; 2. Keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements; 3. Pay such orders as may be countersigned by the President, Ground Custodian and Secretary; 4. Perform such other duties as are determined by the Board.
Section V – The board of directors of the Scioto County Fair Board may designate a fair manager and fix compensation for the position. The post of secretary-treasurer and manager may be compatible. The term of office shall be for one year. It shall be the duty of the manager to execute the orders and directives of the board and directors and officers of the board; to enforce the rules and regulations of the board; to interpret rules and regulations in the absence of officers and department directors involved when questions arise. Decisions made during Fair Week shall be final.

Article XVII – Rules
The Board of Directors may enact such Rules and Regulations for conducting the business of the Society which do not conflict with the constitution or by-laws, regulations of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, or laws of the State of Ohio. The Scioto County Agricultural Society assumes no responsibility for livestock and/or Articles exhibited, entered and/or shown upon the Scioto County Fairgrounds. In bringing livestock and/or Articles to be exhibited, Exhibitor/Entrant specifically acknowledges his/her or its awareness that livestock and exhibition articles are placed upon and maintained upon the Scioto County Fairgrounds by them at their sole risk. Further, the entrant/exhibitor agrees to hold the Scioto County Agricultural Society and the Scioto County Fair Board members harmless from any and all claims to or resulting from their respective livestock and/or exhibits from any cause whatsoever. The aforesaid indemnification shall include injuries to person or property of third parties resulting from the aforesaid livestock and/or exhibit articles.

Article XVIII – Purpose Clause

The Scioto County Agricultural Society is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.

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